User Action


User Action node has the following properties:

Category Property  
General Properties Control Type UserActionImg02
Refresh After Popup
Popup Width
Button Class
Image Image Type
Image Class
Disabled Image
Disabled Image Class
Confirmation Confirm
Comment invite message
Drop Down Component Web Component Load
Responsive Customization Visible (Extra Small)
Visible (Small)
Visible (Medium)
Visible (Large)
Grid Multi row selection
Multi row select all
Mantain selected rows when page changes

General Properties:

Control Type:

Specifies the control type of the user action. The options are:

  • Image.
  • Button.
  • Drop Down Component (only applies when the user action is outside of an Action Group). It will open the Web Component that you select in the 'GX Object' property as a Drop Down. You can visualize an example in the following link: DropDown with Web Component in User Action


Specifies the button's caption (title).


Specifies the object that will be invoked after the user clicks on the action. This field allows an empty value in which none object will be called.


Specifies the condition that will have to accomplish in order to let the action enabled.


Specifies whether the object invoked will be opened a popup or on the same page. This property only applies when the property 'GX Object' has some value (an object to invoke when clicking in the action). In Standard Action object there is an example of this property on True, selecting a Web Panel.

If the 'GX Object' selected is a Web Panel, it will open it as popup, using the popup mechanism provided by GeneXus: <Object>.Popup()

If the 'GX Object' selected is a Web Component, it will open the object as popup, using a mechanism created by WorkWithPlus, which allows you to display the popups in its real size (for example small popups). This can be visualized in the following link: Popup with Web Component in User Action
Note: in order to have a correct behaviour in the popup, you need to add the DVMessage and WorkWithPlus utilities user controls in the popup panel
When Popup property is true, a new property named 'Refresh after popup' will appear:

Refresh After Popup:

Specifies whether a refresh command will be added after the popup sentence or not.

Popup Width:

Specifies the width of the popup. This only applies when you have the property 'Popup' as true and you select in the 'GX Object' property a Web Component, in order to use the WorkWithPlus Popup.

Button Class:

Specifies the button´s theme class. 


Specifies the tooltip that is going to be shown on the form, for that action. It applies for Images or Button actions.


Specifies the action's name. This property is required to identify the action in the object.

Properties Of Category Image:

The properties inside this category only applies for Image actions (its control type is Image).

Image Type:

Specifies the type of image. The options are:

  • Image.
  • FontIcon.

If you select font icon you need to specifies the font in the property 'Image Class'.



Specifies the image which is going to appear in the form.

Image Class:

Specifies the class for the image.

Disabled Image:

Specifies the image that will be shown at runtime in case the condition is not accomplished (condition set in Condition property) and the action is disabled. Only applies if the property Disabled Actions of WorkWithPlus Settings -> Standard Actions node -> property DisabledActions is 'Disabled' .

Disabled Image Class:

Specifies the theme class to be used when the action is disabled.

Properties Of Category Confirmation:


Specifies whether the action will need a confirmation from user in order to continue its proccess or not. This will open a pop up with the message, title and type described in the following properties.


Specifies the message that will be shown on the confirmation pop up.


Specifies the title that will be shown on the confirmation pop up.


Specifies whether the confirmation will have two options (YesNo type) or will have the option to cancel the operation (YesNoCancel type). The labels of Yes button, No button and Cancel button are parametrized in WWP Configuration -> Labels -> Confirm Text Yes, Confirm Text No, Confirm Text Cancel


Specifies whether the confirmation will contain a field in which the end-user can write something. The possible values are: 'Do not include', 'Optional' and 'Required'

Comment invite message:

Specifies the invite message that will be included in the comment field.

If you want to read more information about ConfirmPanel, follow this link: Confirm Panel

Properties Of Category Drop Down Component:

Web Component Load:

Specifies how the Web Component will be loaded. The options are: 'On Web Panel load', 'On first click', 'On every click'. This property only apply when the 'Control Type' of the action is 'Drop Down Component'

Properties Of Category Responsive Customization:

Visible (Extra Small) - Visible (Small) - Visible (Medium) - Visible (Large):

With these properties, you can set whether the User Action will be visible in the different browser sizes. For example, you can set that is visible when the browser is Large and not visible when the browser is Extra Small. The possible values for these properties are true or false.

Properties Of Category Grid

Multi Row Selection:

Specifies whether the action supports to select more than one row of the grid in order to execute it or not. If True, it will appear a check box next to each record that allow user to select them in order to carry out this action. This property only applies when the action is not inside a Grid.

Multi Row Select All :

If true an option to select all records that are visible within the grid will appear. Only applies when Multi Row Selection is true and the User Action is outside the grid.

Mantain selected rows when page changes:

Specifies whether to mantain the records that were selected when navigating to another page of the grid or not. This property only applies for multi row selection in grid objects associated to a transaction instance.

For instance, lets suppose user wants to select which records to delete, having the option to delete all that are visible. In order to do this, we set MultiRow Selection as True, MultiRow Select All as true, and then we must develop the associated event.



Finally we visualize this action at runtime:



Below is an example to illustrate some properties.


Then we visualize the results at runtime:

The action is not enabled because we have 6 records. Lets add one record and verify that the action turns to be enabled:

