Issues Resolved (v15 Upgrade #1.10)

Release date: Thursday, June 15th, 2023

New Features

Define a variable based on the BC of the transaction in a template

With the new version of WorkWithPlus, you can define a variable based on the BC of the transaction in a transaction template. In order to do this, when adding a variable in the template, you have a new option in 'Data type' that is 'BC of Instance Transaction'. 


Issues Resolved

Infinite scrolling grid with a Group type = Fixed

Issue 12912

When having a List object with an infinite scrolling grid and the property 'Group type = Fixed' (or Multiple), after scrolling and getting more data, it does not load correctly (and some errors are shown in the Browser console).

Grid with fixed headers and 'Allow multiple selection = True'

Issue 12914

If a Grid with fixed headers (GridFixedTitles in its cell class) and 'Allow multiple selection = True', when the user scrolls, the header changes its height and the check box moves down.

The 'Include Workflow' option is not visible in Design System Wizard using GeneXus 18 U3

Issue 12916

When using GeneXus 18 U3, the option 'Include Workflow' within the Design System Wizard was not displayed.