Issues Resolved (v15 Upgrade #1.1)

Release date: Monday, 27th February 2023

Issue when running the Design System Wizard in specific scenarios

When running the Design System Wizard in a new KB or in a KB that already has WorkWithPlus in the following scenarios an error is thrown and the process is not successfully completed:

  • Selecting 'Runtime translation' with more than one language.
  • GAM Security with full backend not packaged and menu loading from database

Issue 12848

ExportCSV with Dynamic Filter and 'Service layer'

When having a KB with 'Data Access Implementation = Service layer', if an ExportCSV action is added to a List object with Dynamic Filters, an error is shown when applying the Pattern.

Issue 12846

Settings are not updated automatically after changing to 'Service Layer' in the existing KB

When re-running the wizard to change Data access Implementation to 'Service layer', the property 'Data Access Implementation' of WorkWithPlus Settings > Template Node is not altered to 'Service layer'.

Issue 12847