Notifications and Discussions Module without GAM

The modules for Notifications and Discussions can now be used in a KB that does not have GAM included. So, you will be able to use them in a KB with Advanced Security and also in a KB with no security (or security created by the developer).

In the case of Advanced Security (Legacy WorkWithPlus for Web security), WorkWithPlus for Web adds the code needed automatically so that the developer works in the same way that he does when using GAM. It is necessary to run the option 'Update Security Objects Code' (in WorkWithPlus Settings > Security > Advanced Security) and also Impact Metadata (WorkWithPlus > Impact Metadata for Web and Native Mobile).

In the case of no security, the following objects need to be fulfilled, in order to define how to get the user information and also the roles information:

  • WWP_GetLoggedUserId: returns the variable &WWPUserExtendedId with the logged user id.
  • WWP_GetLoggedUserRoles: returns the roles from the logged user, in the variable &WWPSubscriptionRoleId
  • WWP_GetUsersFromRole: returns a collection of users that have the role received by parameter.