Theme Updates

When your KB has a WorkWithPlus Theme imported in a version previous, and want to use a feature from a newer version, some theme classes may be required for that feature. So, we provide a way of only importing the necessary classes for that specific feature.

Step 1: Enable the Theme Updates Option

Go to GeneXus Tools menu -> Options and in WorkWithPlus category set the property 'Show Theme Updates Option' to True.


Step 2: Select the Theme Update for your feature


Step 3: Select your actual Theme Object

Select the Theme that you are using in this KB, so that WorkWithPlus adds the needed classes to it:


After pressing "Ok", all the needed classes will be added to your current Theme. Now you can start using the desired feature.

If you are using GXServer and the KB is distributed to more than one developer, these steps should be done just by one developer, and then commit the changes so that the other developers can update the theme.