WorkWithPlus Check for Updates

Since WorkWithPlus 2021, we've changed the way in which versions are released by following the WorkWithPlus Release Process

In order to simplify the adoption of new upgrades, we have included a new feature to automatically check and notify if a newer build is available. This new feature is available since WorkWithPlus for Web 14 Upgrade #3 and WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile 7 Upgrade #3.

This feature will automatically check if a newer version of the products (that you have installed in that GeneXus installation) is available, and it will notify the developer as follows:


Then, you can directly access the Developer Center to download the new version by using the "Download" link.

You can use this new feature in two modes:

Mode 1 - Automatic validation on GeneXus startup

When you open GeneXus, this validation will be automatically triggered during the GeneXus startup. You can disable it from Tools Menu --> Option --> WorkWithPlus--> Check for new versions on startup

Mode 2 - Manual validation

You can manually trigger the validation from WorkWithPlus Menu --> Check for Updates option.