Totalizers in Reports

The possibility to include the totalizers of the grid in the export to PDF, or in a report generation was added.


Totalizer in ExportReport StandardAction (PDF)

In order to configure this, in WorkWtihPlus for Web Settings -> ExportReport Action there is a new property named 'Include totalizers', which needs to have the value 'True'.

In new KBs, the totalizers will be enabled by default for Excel and PDF.

Also, you can customize the look & feel of the totalizers. In order to do this, you need to open the Template Procedure (which is defined in WorkWithPlus for Web Settings > ExportReport Action > Template property).

Open the Procedure template, and in the Grid Printblock there are properties associated with the Totalizers Format:


Totalizer in Report Generation

In the Reports generated using WorkWithPlus for Web, you will also have the possibility to include totalizers. 

The format of the totalizers is defined in the Grid Printblock, as the image displayed before.

Also, each attribute/variable inside a Grid Printblock has a property named 'Include Totalizer'. If you set any variable/attribute's 'Has Totalizer' property as true, a new print block will be created which will contain all the totalizers of the grid (named '<GridPrintBlockName>_totalizer'). For each totalizer, a VarChar variable named '<VariableName>_totalizerStr' will be defined and included in this print block. So, in the Source, you will need to define values for these totalizer variables and then print the totalizer print block.