Issues Resolved (v14 Upgrade #1.1)

Issue when running Design System Wizard and image does not exist

Issue 5590

When running the Design System Wizard selecting 'Current Design System', and some of the selected images do not exist, an error occurs when importing the configurations.

In WorkWithPlus for Web 14 Upgrade #1.1, when this scenario occurs it will display an error message so that you select new images or import them in the KB in order to proceed with the import process.

Issue with the menu when switching from Authorization to Authentication

Issue 5589

When having a KB with WorkWithPlus for Web already applied (with GAM security and Authorization level), when running the Design System Wizard and switching to Authentication, the options of the menu aren't visible. 

This is because the Master Page code associated with the filter of the menu does not update.

Web Panel based on BC with Generate Save Behavior and SDT Item with Date Range Picker

Issue 5585

When having a Web Panel with "Generate Save Behaviour=True" and include an SDT Item with "Control Type = Date Range Picker" an error is showed when applying the Pattern.

Issue with Panel collapse/expand Icon Position

Issue 5584

When having the property "Panel Show Collapse Icon=True" and the property "Panel Collapse icon position=Right", the collapse/expand icon is positioned on the left.

Issue with dynamic DVelop Combo in Transaction with GUID PK

Issue 5582

When having a DVelop combo with "Load Data Dynamically=True" in a Transaction that has a GUID primary key, a "500 error" is thrown when calling the REST service

List with parameter considered by "applied filters"

Issue 5579

When a List object is created with some parameters, the pagination bar shows "Filtering by ". It should not consider the parameters in the "Filtering by" caption.

Issue with tooltip in Menu options

Issue 5578

The tooltip of the Menu options is not been displayed (neither Horizontal nor Vertical menu).

DateTime ContraolValueChange in WebComponent

Issue 5576

When having a DateTime inside a WebComponent, the first time the user changes its value using Date Picker the ControlValueChanged event is not fired correctly.

This behavior only happens if the user opens the Picker by clicking the Date icon.

Issue with DatePicker as first attribute and SetFocus

Issue 4580

When we have in a transaction an attribute of type Date as the first attribute on the screen and we want to give the focus to another attribute when entering the screen, the DatePicker opens automatically. The focus takes it correctly.
If we reload the page from the browser after having entered for the first time, the focus is taken and the DatePicker is not displayed.

Issue with User Action inside Action Group in Prompts

Issue 4579

When having a User Action inside an Action Group in a Prompt object, the following error is shown:

error: An error ocurred while validating the instance: No se puede convertir un objeto de tipo 'DVelop.Patterns.WorkWithPlus.ActionGroupUserActionElement' al tipo 'DVelop.Patterns.WorkWithPlus.ActionGroupGeneralElement'

Issue with 'Tag and Title' Panel Style in step 8 of the Design System Wizard

Issue 4574

When selecting the Panel Style 'Tag and Title' in step 8 of the Design System Wizard, this style is not set by default.

Error in WorkWithPlusSecLogIn when importing from the wizard with advanced security and login style 2

Issue 4573

When selecting Advanced Security from the wizard, and the login style 'Style 2 - background and transparency', when importing we see an error with the WorkWithPlusSecLogIn, which cannot be generated correctly.

Issue with Geopoint attribute in Edit Data Web Panel

Issue 4571

When creating a web panel, with an "edit, create or display data" template, based on a BC with a Geopoint attribute, the following error appears when applying:

========== Pattern generation (WorkWithPlusWebPanel2) started ==========

Saving Web Panel 'WebPanel2'... failed.

error src0216: 'Enabled' invalid property. (Web Panel 'WebPanel2' Events, Line: 25, Char: 29, Details)

Failed: Pattern generation (WorkWithPlusWebPanel2)

Issue having a Variable with Prompt and Visible Condition followed by 'Merge with previous cell'

Issue 4568

When we have a Variable with a Prompt and Visible Condition, if that variable is followed by another item with "Merge with previous cell=True", the magnifying glass of the Prompt is not hidden when the condition is not met.

As WA, the line of the IF corresponding to the condition, which is inside the Sub 'AttributesSecurityCode', is copied, it is pasted at the end of the Sub and the following is added inside the IF and the Else:

Inside the IF:
Prompt_ <TRN_NAME> _ <ATT_NAME> .Visible = False

Inside the Else:
Prompt_ <TRN_NAME> _ <ATT_NAME> .Visible = True

Grid with conditional formatting and row column selector

Issue 4567

When having a grid Column Selector and a row conditional formatting, the columns are not reordered correctly.

Confirm panel with a CR character in its message

Issue 4565

If we add a confirm text to a confirm panel, as follows:

DVelop_ConfirmPanel_Enter.ConfirmationText = "First message " + chr(10) + chr(13) + "Second message"

The first time the confirmation message is displayed, both messages are correctly separated by a space, but the second time the confirmation message is displayed, the messages appear together.

Grid with fixed columns and "Background Color Style = Report"

Issue 4564

If we have a grid with fixed columns and the "Background Color Style = Report" in the WorkWith ThemeClass (with 'Lines back color' and 'Lines back color even' with different colors), the grid is not displayed correctly.

The Title Category translation at run-time is not working.

Issue 4562

The Title Category is not getting translated in a KB with Runtime translation.

Reported on ticket 11160

Issue with import to excel/CSV and compound key

Issue 4560

When having a compound key in a transaction and import from excel/csv the pattern generates an invalid code in the 'Find record' subrutine.

Issue with Popup with Web Component in User Action

Issue 4559

If we add a User Action with a Web Component in the GXObject and Popup = True, when the Popup is opened and the user press the Enter key, the main Web Panel Enter event is executed (regardless of whether or not the Enter event is defined in the Web Component).