

The purpose of the popover is to display some extra information when making hover or click on an attribute or variable. Example: Popover for Attributes/Variables

Popover node has the following properties:

Category Property  
General Properties       Content Type PopoverProperties
Web Component
Theme Class
Trigger Element
Font Icon Theme Class
Web Component Load
Advanced Security Security Functionality Key

General Properties:

Content Type:

Specifies whether the content of the popover will be an HTML defined in the node or a Web Component.

Web Component:

When the property 'Content Type' is 'Web Component', in this property you need to add the Web Component object to be displayed in the popover. There are some templates available for creating popover Web Components, or you could create your customized Web Component.


Determines the width in which the popover will be displayed.


When the property 'Content Type' is 'HTML', in this property you need to add the HTML to be displayed when making popover over the attribute/variable.

Theme Class:

Specifies the theme class to be assigned to the popover element.

Trigger Element:

Specifies whether the popover will be triggered in the value or in a font icon next to the value.

Font Icon Theme Class:

When the property 'Trigger Element' is 'Font icon', in this property you need to insert the icon that will be displayed next to the attribute/variable.


Specifies the position in relation to the icon or value where the popover will be displayed. The possible values are: left, right, bottom, top, and <default>. <default> value will take its value from WorkWithPlus for Web Settings -> Template node -> Position property.


Specifies whether the popover will be displayed when making a hover on the value/icon or when making a click on it. <default> value will take its value from WorkWithPlus for Web Settings -> Template node -> Trigger property.

Web Component Load:

When the property 'Content Type' is 'Web Component', in this property you set when the Web Component to be displayed will be loaded. The options are: 'On Web Panel Load', 'On first trigger', 'On every trigger'. 

Advanced Security Properties:

Security Functionality Key:

Specifies the permission name that will be assigned for the popover to be visible or not. 


Available as of WorkWithPlus for Web 14.