Popup with Web Component in User Action

There are times when you need to focus the user's attention on a single screen, and what better than with a popup window?
We have added a new way of making Popup allowing to call a Web Component when we have a User Action of button or image type.


The main benefit of this type of popup is that it will open in the size that is needed, being a responsive form and avoiding scrollbars that GeneXus sometimes adds when using the popup function of a Web Panel.

In order to do this, just select a Web Component in the GXObject property of a User Action:


In the Web Component, in order to close it, you must use the WWPActions.WCPopup_Close method, as follows:


In the &Result variable you can add data that you want to return to the object that calls the Web Component. So, in the object that calls the Web Component, you must use the method <Action_Name>_Modal.Return to retrieve the data previously stored in &Result:


Note: in order to have a correct behaviour in the popup, you need to add the DVMessage and WorkWithPlus utilities user controls in the Web Component