WorkWithPlus 13.14

Release date: Thursday, April 30, 2020

Optimizations in memory usage

Several optimization were made in the WorkWithPlus IDE that improves the memory usage.

'DVMessage' User control issue with foreign key attributes

When a foreign key with nullable in 'No' was left empty the error was shown. After setting some correct value to that field, the inferred attributes values were not being loaded.

'DVelop Combo' issue with 'Add new' option

When the combo displayed using the 'DVelop Combo' control had no options to display, the option 'Add new' was not visible.

Issue with 'Update Instance' process in Web Panel based on a template of 'Edit, create or display data'

When making 'Update Instance' over a Web Panel based on a template of category 'Edit, create or display data', and selecting a Bussiness Component associated with a transaction of 2 levels, the process deleted the grid.