WorkWithPlus 13.12

Release date: Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Issue with DVelop Combo Box with dynamic conditions

When the DVelop Combo was loaded dynamically and contained a dynamic condition that had a comma in its value, the combo didn't load the values properly.

Improvements for GeneXus 16 U8

We have worked together with GeneXus team in order to make the generation of the programs faster. WorkWithPlus 13.12 is released together with GeneXus 16 U8 with this aim.

The 'Refreshing instances' process of GeneXus is not necessary in most cases when working with WorkWithPlus. From GeneXus 16 U8 onwards, this process won't be made anymore and this will impact directly reducing generation times.

Avoiding this process the developers should notice that:

  • After making changes in WorkWithPlus Settings, it may be necessary to regenerate some WorkWithPlus programs. This will be made automatically by running the process 'Apply all instances' when saving the changes.
  • When upgrading WorkWithPlus version, it is recommended to run the process 'Apply all instances' (Tools > WorkWithPlus > Pattern instances > Apply all instances) in order to regenerate the programs with the new WorkWithPlus version. In most cases, the programs will not get modified but if this new version includes some bug fixes, this process will fix them.

WorkWithPlus toolbar modifications and new options

In GeneXus Toolbar: Tools -> WorkWithPlus we moved the options related to the instances and added some new options:


  • Apply all instances: updates the objects associated with the instances, impacting changes made in the WorkWithPlus Settings. This is necessary when you change WorkWithPlus version, or when you make changes in WorkWithPlus Settings (not in the templates). 
  • Update all instances (new): updates all the instances associated with all the templates, impacting the changes made in the templates and also the changes made in the structure of the transactions. This is also necessary after running the Design System Wizard in a KB that already had instances applied.
  • Mark all instances as updated: marks all instances as they were updated, not impacting the changes made in the templates nor in the structure of the transactions.
  • Delete attribute from all instances: deletes the attribute in all the instances where it exists. 

Action 'Apply all instances' suggested automatically

When you make changes in the WorkWithPlus Settings, WorkWithPlus will ask you if you want to make 'Apply all instances', because it is necessary in order to update the objects generated by the instances (with the changes of the configurations). In GeneXus 16 U7 or lower, this was not necessary as the 'Refreshing instances' made it automatically in the next F5 after modifying the WorkWithPlus Settings.


Action 'Update instances' suggested automatically

When you make changes in the WorkWithPlus Templates, WorkWithPlus will ask you if you want to make 'Update Instance' of the associated instances (and this process includes the 'Apply all instances'). The process 'Update instance' is necessary in all WorkWithPlus versions, after making changes in the templates and also in the transaction structures.


Issue with images associated with specific language in GeneXus 16 U8 Issue 3366

When you created a User Action of type 'Image' and select an image that had different images for different languages, WorkWithPlus displayed an error in the preview.

Translations of the descriptions of the GAM Objects

The translations in English, Japanese and Chinese for all the descriptions of the GAM objects were added, so that they appear correctly in the page where you associate permissions to a role.