Previous requirements WorkWithPlus 6.4 or lower

For versions 6.4 or lower it is necessary to have installed GXUI User Control as the pattern uses it (in versions 7.1 or higher it is no longer needed).

In order to install GXUI User Control, follow the instructions detailed below: 

  1. Download GXUI User Control (version 1.1.X or version 2.0.X) from GX Marketplace  and set it in the following folder:  .../Genexus/GenexusXEv1/UserControls (the content of gxui must be inside a folder named 'gxui').

  2. Then, depending on the GXUI version you have to download right  ext js version:

    For GXUI 1.1.X  download ext js 2.3 from
    For GXUI 2.0.X download ext js 4.1 from

    And set its content in  .../Genexus/<GENEXUS_VERSION>/UserControls/Shared/ext

  3. Finally, you have to execute "Genexus.exe/install", or just execute WorkWithPlus setup again because this setup makes a "Genexus.exe/install"